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SAAADA, the South African Arms and Ammunition Dealers’ Association, represents firearms dealers, importers, manufactures, gunsmiths, and related trades (broadly, the Firearms Trade) in matters of common interest. These include legislation and the functions of government such as SAPS, Customs, SABS, theDTI and more.
The primary function of SAAADA is to protect the rights of the trade. This includes regular meetings and lobbying with the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee, SAPS Secretariat, Central Firearms Registry, SABS, Department of Trade & Industry, the media, and any other body/organisation that has an influence on the industry.
SAAADA is a registered NPO, # 188-328
What we can do for you

The Association endeavours to assist members who are experiencing issues with SAPS and other Government departments. This web site serves to facilitate communication with members and provide a platform for shared concerns
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